Dairy Knowledge X-Change

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Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Experts share solutions for real-world challenges

Dairy Knowledge X-Change™ brings leading dairy scientists and other experts into virtual interactive sessions focused on key topics impacting dairy production efficiency and profitability.

Dairy Knowledge X-Change is a unique resource for practical, proactive solutions to dairy nutrition, health, and management challenges.

Find links to videos and presentations from previous sessions below.

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Are your ration starch leves maxed out and holding you back?Gary Mitchell, Bio-Ag Solutions LLC. Mitchell is Director of Sales and Marketing at Bio-Ag Solutions LLC. He earned his degree from Michigan State University and has has committed his 30 year career to the dairy industry.
Presentation | Recording

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

AminoShure-XM: Save Up to Five Cents/Cow/DayDr. Clay Zimmerman, Balchem Animal Nutrition & Health. Dr. Zimmerman is Director of Science and U.S. Ruminant Technical Services at Balchem. He earned his MS and PhD at North Carolina State University and his BS at Virginia Tech. He has devoted his 30 year career to ruminant nutrition and focused-research to maximize dairy rations.
Presentation | Recording


DCAD Balance and Milk FatDr. Tom Jenkins, Clemson University. Emeritus Professor Jenkins received his BS in Animal Science and MS in Animal Nutrition from Pennsylvania State University and his PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from Cornell University. At Clemson, he has focused on lipid metabolism by the rumen microbial population and managing the dairy ration dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) for optimal dairy performance. Presentation


Chromium Update: Supplementation for Pre-Fresh and Fresh Cows
Dr. Bill Weiss,The Ohio State University. Emeritus Professor Weiss, co-chair of the committee overseeing the latest edition of Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (aka NRC Dairy 2021), zeroes in on the essential nutrient chromium (Cr). Much more research needs to be done, but supplementation as low as 0.5 ppm in the TMR appears likely to increase early lactation milk production 3-4 lbs. There may be other benefits of Cr supplementation, including help with heat stress management and immune support.

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Uncovering Hidden Economic Opportunities for Dairy Farms
Dr. John Goeser, Rock River Lab & Cows Agree. Dairy operations can capture greater IOFC (income over feed cost) by better monitoring actual nutrient variation in forages and feedstuffs. Moisture content, for example, can be highly variable. As-fed nutrient content of major feedstuffs like soybean meal, canola, cottonseed, distillers, etc. can be significantly different from book values. Such differences can show up as an abrupt change or a subtle trend over time. It’s possible to take advantage of these key ingredient margin opportunities, which can significantly improve dairy returns.
Presentation | Recording

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Fatty Acid Update: Performance & Cost-Benefit
Dr. Adam Lock,Michigan State University. Dietary fatty acids (FA) impact digestion, metabolism, and nutrient use in lactating dairy cows and supplementation can improve dairy performance, including milk yields and components. However, the range of supplements is huge and there are big differences among them. FA profile (proportions of specific FA) is the first factor in determining response. Which FA blends can help optimize feeding and management of high producing dairy cows today? Tomorrow?
Presentation | Recording

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Feed Cost Control: How To Know Which Additive Will Pay Back
Dr. Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois. To reduce high feed costs, dairy producers often seek to cut certain feed additives from their rations, Dr. Hutjens points out. But cutting recommended additives entails serious economic risks because they typically return 2 to 12 times their cost and can impact cow immunity, health, dry matter intake, milk yield and components, and metabolic status. How do you determine which additives will pay back, particularly for calves, close-up dry cows, fresh cows, or early lactation cows? What about probiotics or direct fed microbials (DFM)?
Presentation | Recording

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Consequences of Heat Stress During Late Gestation for the Dairy Cow and Her Calf
Dr. Geoff Dahl, University of Florida. Dr. Dahl explains why it’s critical to keep cows within their temp comfort zone — not just during lactation but throughout the dry period. Heat stress has immediate health and performance impacts on the cow as well as later impacts on her calf, even on the heifer’s first lactation. He notes key findings covering a variety of heat stress abatement strategies to sustain dairy health and productivity. Presentation | Recording

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Potassium Balance and Milk Fat – K Sources Matter!Dr. Tom Jenkins, Clemson University. In his webinar last year, Dr. Jenkins focused on “DCAD Balance and Milk Fat” (see below). Now he zeroes in on potassium (K), which is key to managing the dairy ration dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD). What are the choices for K and how can that choice can help reduce milk fat depression? What K compounds are safest and most cost-effective?
Presentation | Recording

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Fiber and Forage Considerations: It’s all about keeping the rumen full of something digestibleDr. Mike Van Amburgh, Cornell University. Research in Dr. Van Amburgh’s lab supports the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System, including the development of new tools to describe how neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestion occurs in various feeds. His presentation points the way for more efficient use of forages, including ag and food co-products. Presentation | Recording

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Current Soy Protein Markets with a Global PerspectiveChris Schaffer, AGP. Chris is AGP’s Senior VP for Ag Products with more than 20 years experience in international ag commodity markets, including work with the U.S. Grains Council in Washington, DC. He provides insider’s analysis, covering:
• Market fundamentals & dynamics — global & domestic
• Market outlook for 2020 & beyond
• Soy crush margin trend — what to watch for
• Price management options

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Rumen Bypass Soy ProteinDr. Dave Gast,AGP. Dr. Gast is Director of Nutrition and Technical Services for AGP. Rumen bypass soy protein is “boots on the ground” when it comes to cost-efficient dairy production and Dr. Gast has extensive research and development experience in this field. In this presentation he answers:
• What exactly is a rumen undegraded (bypass) protein product?
• How is it manufactured and why is that important?
• How do specific products perform versus other technologies, including extruded soy?
• What is the cost-benefit payback for AminoPlus®?

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Macro Minerals: Impact on DCADPat Kahle,D&D Ingredient Distributors. Pat, D&D’s Sales Manager and facilitator of Dairy Knowledge X-Change, earned his BS in Animal Science at The Ohio State University. Pat’s career spans decades in the fields of dairy nutrition and health and D&D customers and their advisors rely on his extensive knowledge of dairy feed ingredients. Presentation

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Inflammation, Immunity and Transition ManagementDr. Barry Bradford, Michigan State University. Dr. Bradford earned his BS in Animal Science and Biochemistry at Iowa State University, then his PhD in Animal Nutrition from Michigan State University. After 13 years in research and teaching at Kansas State University, he recently returned to Michigan State in the Clint Meadows Endowed Chair in Dairy Management. With expertise in dairy metabolic physiology, he has studied how nutrients impact the cow’s immune status.  Presentation

Dairy Knowledge X-Change

Profitability: Fat, Protein or Volume?Dr. Benjamin Wenner, The Ohio State University. Dr. Wenner earned his BS in Animal Science specialized in agribusiness management at Michigan State University, then his MS and PhD at The Ohio State University where his doctoral research focused on dairy rumen simulation in the lab. Following R&D and tech service support for Perdue Agribusiness, he has returned to Ohio State as an assistant professor, helping to improve the use of dairy research data and support producer decision making. Presentation

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