Amino Acids/By-Pass

HomeProductsAmino Acids/By-Pass


Amino acids play a vital role in higher production and health and reproduction performance. Methionine and Lysine are two specific amino acids D&D Ingredients offers from a few different suppliers, with different coatings and sources to best fit your operational needs and costs.


Ajipro 3 (Lysine) > Bag 55.115 lb
Lysine > Tote 2204.6 lb
Lysine > Bag 55.115 lb
Metasmart Dry (Methionine) > Bag 55.1 lb
Mepron 85 (Methionine) > Bag 55.115 lb
Methionine-DL > Tote 2204.6 lb
Methionine-DL > Bag 55.115 lb
MFP > Bag 55.115 lb
Smartamine M (Methionine) > Bag 55.11
Timet (Methionine) > Bag 55.115 lb
Threonine > Tote 750 KG
Threonine > Bag 55.115 lb
Threonine > Tote 900 KG
Tryptophan Powder (L-TRY 98.5%) > Bag 44.092 lb
Tryptophan Powder (L-TRY 98.5%) > Bag 55.115 lb
Tryptophan – Granular (L-TRY 98.5%) > Bag 55.115 lb
Metabolys (Lysine) > Bag 55.115 lb
Valine > Bag 55.115 lb
Lysine > Tote 1763.68 lb
Relys 50 > Bag 55.115 lb

Amino Acids/By-Pass

The D&D Outsource Manufacturing Solution™ provides responsive manufacturing services to customer and market demand, as well as a customer service team that is dedicated, flexible, and willing to work with you on your schedule.


5191 Kill Rd, Delphos, OH 45833


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