Drug Products
Antiobiotics and other medicinal products are unique and need to be analyzed for what works in your specific situation. Review the products below, and let us know how we can help you select the best option for your operation.
Clarifly Larvicide .67% > Bag 50 lb
Monovet 90 > Bag 55.115 lb
Rumemsin 90 > Bag 55.115 lb
Monensin 8G D&D > Bag 50 lb
VFD Drug Products
Pennchlor 100 > Bag 50 lb
Aureo 90g > Bag 50 lb
Aureo 50g > Bag 50 lb
Chlormas 50g > Bag 50 lb
AS 700 3.5g > Bag 50 lb
AS 700 2g > Bag 50 lb
Aureo 10g > Bag 50 lb
Aureo 4g > Bag 50 lb